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Coordinator's Message

Welcome! We are pleased that you have chosen to send your child to the Mt. Vernon Early Learning Academy Mini-Marauder Preschool. We are eager to get to know you and your child. We hope your child’s experience at the MMP will be rewarding and enjoyable. 

This year will be a fun and exciting time for your child. In preschool, we work on many different skills in order to prepare students for later academic and social success. We are optimistic that you will see significant growth in the knowledge and abilities of your child after this school year comes to an end. 

We are delighted to provide experiences for you to participate in your child’s education. Your child’s time in our preschool will be spent working not only on learning the basic shapes, colors, numbers, and letters but also on their social-emotional development, personal care routines, and topics of various themes throughout the year. We are committed to growing with your child, accommodating and adjusting to their learning needs.

Our teachers are trained professionals in the field of education. Our curricula are research-based and centered around Indiana’s Early Learning Foundations (state academic standards for early childhood). These resources include Creative Curriculum, Handwriting without Tears, Heggerty Phonics, and MVCSC social-emotional learning programming. We are proud to be a Paths to QUALITY Level 3 school.

The Mini-Marauder Family Handbook has been made available to you through our district website on the preschool webpages under the Enrollment tab.  We encourage you to revisit and familiarize yourself with the information posted online and in the documents included in your Welcome to School Packet.

Please follow our social media pages below for more information on updates, evolving plans, and more.

You are encouraged to regularly reach out to your child’s teacher regarding the learning in the classroom. Please do not hesitate to contact the preschool office or me with any questions. We are honored to be your partner in supporting your child’s development.


Hunter Eineman
Mini-Marauder Preschool ~ Early Learning Academy
317-485-3100, ext. 5335