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Curriculum & Instruction

Preschool Curriculum

Mt. Vernon Early Learning Academy Mini Marauder Preschool provides a safe, developmentally appropriate, nurturing environment that promotes a positive self-concept, the ability to problem-solve, the ability to negotiate with peers, and engage in a variety of hands-on, language-rich, learning experiences that will establish the foundation for lifelong learning through a variety of curricular resources.  


Creative Curriculum for Preschool - The Creative Curriculum is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features inquiry, exploration, and discovery as the foundation of all learning. As a content-rich, developmentally appropriate curriculum, it delivers academic rigor alongside social-emotional learning and cognitive development. The 38 research-based objectives define the path teachers take with children in their classrooms. The literacy objectives for development and learning include: phonological awareness, phonics skills, and word recognition; knowledge of the alphabet; knowledge of print and its uses; comprehension and response to books and other texts; and writing skills.

Handwriting Without Tears - The Emergent Writing Solution for Pre-K curriculum is intentionally designed to ease young learners into their communication journeys. Students build pre-writing and emergent writing skills developmentally through engaging, hands-on, play-based activities. Lessons address general readiness, pre-writing, alphabet knowledge, letter and number recognition, capital and lowercase letter formation, counting, drawing, shapes, and colors. 

Heggerty Early Pre-Kindergarten Curriculum - The Early Pre-K Phonological Awareness curriculum is meant for learners in 3- and 4-year-old classrooms. The Early Learning and Development standards across all states were used to plan the lessons for instruction. While the standards and expectations differ from state to state, the Early Pre-K curriculum will teach 5 phonological awareness skills. The skills of rhyme, initial phoneme isolation, and blending are introduced at the beginning of instruction. Segmenting words and Final Phoneme Isolation are introduced in later weeks of instruction.

Made for Me Literacy Curriculum - The Made for Me Literacy curriculum was designed to provide teachers with engaging, comprehensive reading units that are designed with special learners in mind. The monthly-themed comprehensive reading units span various subject areas. Literary components include adapted art, visual recipes, games, and writing activities. Each differentiated unit corresponds with a fiction and nonfiction text.


Creative Curriculum for Preschool - The Creative Curriculum is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features inquiry, exploration, and discovery as the foundation of all learning. As a content-rich, developmentally appropriate curriculum, it delivers academic rigor alongside social-emotional learning and cognitive development. The 38 research-based objectives define the path teachers take with children in their classrooms. The mathematics objectives for development and learning include: number concepts and operations; exploration of spatial relationships and shapes; comparison and measurement; and knowledge of patterns.

Made for Me Math Curriculum - The Made for Me Math curriculum was designed to provide teachers with engaging, comprehensive math units that are designed with special learners in mind. The hands-on adapted math resources focus on 10 units, including colors, numbers 1-10, sorting/classifying, patterns, shapes, addition and subtraction, and non-standard measurement.


Second Step Social-Emotional Curriculum for Preschool Students - Second Step programs are grounded in research and work in tandem with classroom curricula, combining teacher-led discussions with interactive activities and family resources. The programs help children learn social-emotional skills such as responsible decision-making, working together to solve problems, managing strong emotions, and getting along with others. These skills can help children succeed academically and socially and feel more connected to their community.

Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) - TBRI is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. TBRI is designed for children from hard places but is effective for all students. It is an approach to caregiving that is developmentally respectful, responsive to trauma, and attachment-based. TBRI purports three principles are the foundation for working with kids: connecting, empowering, and correcting. Teachers focus on teaching students self-regulation strategies and how they can build strong relationships with teachers and peers at school. Nurture groups is a format learned through TBRI to practice self-regulation strategies and build connections with others by learning how to give care to and receive care from peers.